About this website

This website is being developed to provide information to parishioners of and visitors to the Chollerton benefice.

Updates and changes to the site will be recorded below.

Welcome to our new site!

The initial launch of the site contains some static information, which I hope we can expand over time, and some dynamic information which has initially been input by me, but which in future can be keyed in by those who wish to do so.

This dynamic information has been taken from the latest Broadsheet.

On the front page you will find the latest pastoral letter on the left and (most of) the events from the broadsheet on the right. Each of these is known as a “post” and those who wish will be able to enter their own events and announcements in the future.

The “our churches” page has a map showing our churches (mouse or touch to see the name), with buttons below with a link to each church. I would like to make this interface more elegant, watch this space!

There is a page for each church with a photo, a map and a link to the “a church near you site” which (sometimes) has additional information about the church. Below the photo and map there is a place where posts specific to each church can be published. Initially I have used the articles from the  broadsheet, but if those responsible for each church would like to make their own entries, this can be easily arranged.

The calendar page shows the services  from the Broadsheet. If you want any amendments or additions, please let me know. For future  months I will update from the Broadsheet, and/or we can nominate someone with access to the Google calendar to help.

There are also pages for Safeguarding and Contact information, and this page.

I have tried to ensure that the site works OK on computers, tablets and phones, but there may be some wrinkles for which I apologise. I am “learning by doing” Often there is more learning than doing!

If you have any comments, questions, ideas for improvements etc. , please email me at chollchurchweb@gmail.com

