As all the children and parents are looking forward to the summer holidays, I am currently on my holiday, sat in a Coop carpark at the Kyle of Lochalsh, where I have WiFi! I hope the summer is a good one for everyone.
Thanks to everyone that came to help Spring clean St. Mungo’s at the beginning of June, it looks and smells, so much better.
It is FĂȘte season, and Simonburn Fete is on Saturday 29th July at 2pm. Please help us by donating, books, bric a brac ( sellable) cakes, tombola prizes or raffle prizes and cakes etc towards the teas. It will be a great afternoon, I am sure, so do come along and enjoy.
Please keep a look out on Village notice boards and Facebook for any upcoming events at the Village Hall.
Take care. Love Sharon x