How lovely to see a Red Squirrel shoot across the road at the Cat Wood the other day, usually it is one of those horrible greys.
The Craft Group are in full swing once again, they are doing Needle Felting workshops on Monday 11th Sept and Wed 13th Sept. The craft group for your own work will be on Mon 25th Sept and Wed 4th Oct. For further information contact Sally Dannys on 7732388501.
The ‘Busy Beavers’ have been tidying trees etc up in the park and laying field, thanks to them for keeping our village and churchyard tidy this summer, the grass always looks immaculate.
The Harvest Lunch will take place in the Village Hall on Sunday 1st October 12.30 for 1pm start £18 pp all are welcome, contact Eileen or Judith for tickets. Followed on Sunday 14th by the Harvest Festival in St Giles at 10 am.
The Village Hall are having their annual Quiz Evening on Friday 20th October, 7 for 7.30 start. Teams of up to 8 people £5pp. Cash prizes -Nibbles, Raffle and Bar available.
A reminder that Wark Coffee Mornings are held every Friday 10-12am in the Town Hall. All are welcome, including those from Birtley. Regards Mary.