I hope you enjoyed the so called ‘Summer’. Maybe an Indian Summer is on the cards! Where is the year going to? They say the older you get the faster time flies by…Enjoy every moment.
A BIG Thank you to everyone that donated prizes, cakes, food for the teas and their time to make this years fete a success, over £3300 was raised,
One set of stained glass windows have been removed from church to be restored. There are still more to do and the fundraising is on-going. Inside the church porch, is a box for donations for the Food Bank, which sadly is very much needed by many. Please, if you are able to donate anything i.e. dried, tinned foods or toiletries, it will be much appreciated. Simonburn Village Hall is holding a Ceilidh dance, to raise money for The Great North Air Ambulance, on Saturday 14th October 7pm, music by The Tarset Ceilidh Band. £5 per ticket, £2 under 16’s, under 7’s free. Shared supper, bar ( cash only) and a raffle. It will be a fun evening for all ages. Don’t worry if you don’t know the dances, there will be a caller to help. Tel 681077 for tickets.
A Date for your diary….Christmas Bingo in the village Hall Friday 8th December 7.30pm start. Any donations of prizes, would be gratefully received.
Thank you to Alice Murray for taking over the cutting of the village green and to Norman Griffiths for keeping St. Mungo’s churchyard pristine as usual.
Take care
Love Sharon x