Readers of the Broadsheet will be well aware of the large wooden Cross at the side of the Military Road near to the top of Brunton Bank and the small church of St Oswald’s across the field to the North and almost hidden in by trees. You will know about the significance of the Cross and the church, and the Battle of Heavenfield and its importance in the development of the Christian faith in Northumbria, which is vividly described by St Bede in his well known History.
However you may not know about the Friends of St Oswald’s which is a small charity which was founded almost 30 years ago at the suggestion of the then Vicar, Canon Clive Price.
The Friends make a significant financial contribution to the upkeep of the fabric of St Oswald’s Church and also arrange the Annual Pilgrimage from Hexham Abbey to St Oswald’s on or near to the Feast of St Oswald in August each year. The Pilgrimage follows a tradition begun by the monks of Hexham Abbey in the 8th Century, and also described by St Bede. We publish an annual newsletter each Spring.
Membership is open to all and if anyone would like to join and support this worthwhile organisation or seek further information please contact the Membership Secretary, Mark Wood at or 07860 602949 or the Secretary, Stephen Porteus at or 07803 268921