St Michael, Wark

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Back with you all after the summer break – what summer many will be asking. It has been awful. Fingers crossed we may have a drier autumn.
We had two events on the Village Green during July starting with St. Michael’s Garden Fete at the beginning of the month which following the recent pattern of other churches had a smaller attendance than previous years however was successful.
A new venture came a couple of weeks later in the form of Scrufts Dog Show (my apologies I wrongly named this in the last edition of The Broadsheet) which I understand went to plan. Brave organizers – never work with children or animals being a moto I remember.
A new school or new class or the first day for those with years ahead will be coming soon and once I start to receive information from Wark school I’ll keep you informed. They always have a full and varied programme of events.
Over the summer a number of children have been welcomed into the church through Baptism in St. Michael’s and we send blessings to them. The thoughts and prayers of all parishioners are extended to all those recently bereaved in the parish and beyond.
A reminder to PCC members the next meeting is on Tuesday 12th September at 7.00pm in church.
A service of Holy Communion will be held in St. Michael’s on Friday 29th September at 7.00pm to celebrate the festival of St. Michael and All Angels, our patron Saint.
Last time I promised you Harvest Festival details but at the moment I don’t have them. There will be notices around the village once the arrangements are completed.
Until we chat again,

Love to all JOHN xxx

We’re never happy! Couple of months ago complaints about the cold and wet were major topics of conversation and now it is the heat and we gardeners need rain. But please do not let it rain on Saturday 1st July – Garden Fete Day in Wark. 2pm onwards on the green with teas in the Town Hall. Contributions to the usual stalls, tombola this year, but please no bric-a-brac, would be most welcome. Jane and Tony Abrams (Dial House) are collecting or just bring them along on the morning to the green. Raffle tickets are now on sale.
The North Tyne has, for a number of years, had the privilege of having Deacon Anne Taylor and her husband Eddy ministering to MURC and latterly St. Michael’s have been `building sharing’ here in Wark to great success (understand it is being shared as a model for other areas) and now they are retiring (near to my now neck of the woods) to Whitehaven. Anne will lead a final Service in Wark on Sunday 2nd July at 10.30am and at Bellingham on the same day there will be a celebratory service for her time with us at 3pm with a tea to follow and all will be most welcome. A lunch is arranged for Sunday 30th July at 12noon in Wark Town Hall for which I would suggest you contact Vicky or Steve Herod on 01434 230180 for further details and importantly to book a seat. That is the contact to use also should you wish to give a donation to a retirement gift. We all hope they have a happy and long retirement.
After months of not much going on there is now not only a Garden Fete but also a dog show, SCRUFFS, on Saturday 22nd July at 12noon again on the green with proceeds to the Town Hall. It’s many years since something like that happened in Wark and the classes do sound interesting. Anyone brave enough to arrange a cat show?
Off now for a couple of months – gardening. Back in September with Harvest details…. Such fun?? Where does the year go?
Love to all John xxx