St Oswald in Lee (Heavenfield)

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Readers of the Broadsheet will be well aware of the large wooden Cross at the side of the Military Road near to the top of Brunton Bank and the small church of St Oswald’s across the field to the North and almost hidden in by trees. You will know about the significance of the Cross and the church, and the Battle of Heavenfield and its importance in the development of the Christian faith in Northumbria, which is vividly described by St Bede in his well known History.
However you may not know about the Friends of St Oswald’s which is a small charity which was founded almost 30 years ago at the suggestion of the then Vicar, Canon Clive Price.
The Friends make a significant financial contribution to the upkeep of the fabric of St Oswald’s Church and also arrange the Annual Pilgrimage from Hexham Abbey to St Oswald’s on or near to the Feast of St Oswald in August each year. The Pilgrimage follows a tradition begun by the monks of Hexham Abbey in the 8th Century, and also described by St Bede. We publish an annual newsletter each Spring.
Membership is open to all and if anyone would like to join and support this worthwhile organisation or seek further information please contact the Membership Secretary, Mark Wood at or 07860 602949 or the Secretary, Stephen Porteus at or 07803 268921

Claire’s letter feels very relative. We had a prime example of people working together for our flower festival weekend at St. George’s, Wall. I have received lots of praise over the weekend BUT a huge amount of that praise must go to the wonderful, talented people who helped. People not only from our parish but from other parishes as well, truly churches working together. I felt very humbled by the efforts put in by many. I loved having so many in the church on Friday all working together making beautiful arrangements, but thanks must also go to the ladies doing the teas and for the preparations made in the gorgeous gardens which were open on Sunday, also to the people who donated flowers from their own gardens and to all the wonderful people who visited over the weekend and Frances for our service on Sunday morning. I also give thanks for the weather; it was not as was forecast and made a big difference to the happiness shown over the weekend. I know I am going on a bit but I do not apologise, it was such a big weekend for St. George’s and I don’t know how else to try to express the full amount of my gratitude. Yes we did make some money for the parish which was the prime motivation but in the end this was totally out-weighed by the love shown by so many over the events. God must be quite pleased with us all. I am now focusing on our ‘Tea in the garden’ but lots of my flowers have gone and getting tidied up is a major task.
We must not forget we have our harvest communion service at Heavenfield on 17th September at 10.30 am followed by a harvest lunch in Wall village hall.
TWIMC -Our next PCC meeting will be at 5.30pm at Bingfield Farm on Monday 4th September
God bless you all and much love. Helen
P.s. Tea in the garden has now happened. Again we were blessed with good weather and lovely people. Thank you all. H xx

We are not holding our fete at Wall this year due to many of the regular helpers being away. We do however still seem to have a busy couple of months coming up. The usual coffee morning takes place on Wednesday 5th July at 10.30 am and again 2nd August, in the village hall, Wall. All welcome. We have a plant sale on the village green at Wall on Saturday 8th July, starting at 9am. Our soup and pud is on 20th July and 17th August at 12 mid day again in the hall at Wall. This is followed at 1.30pm by needle felting. We are making hand held crosses to be placed in all our local churches however you can try your hand at making small animals or whatever you like. The annual Pilgrimage from Hexham Abbey to Heavenfield takes place on 5th August. On 12th 10 am-5 pm and 13th August 12.30-5pm (following a church eucharist at 11.30am) we have a flower festival in St George’s church at Wall. God and weather permitting we aim to use all locally grown plant material. Again we should also have plants to sell. Anyone from around the Deanery is welcome to make an arrangement or become involved in any way ( please contact Helen 0791 776 2050). We will be picking flowers at Bingfield farm on 10th and arranging on the 11th. We will have afternoon teas in Wall village hall on 12th August 2.30pm—5pm so donations of cakes etc will be gratefully received We will also have another plant sale over the weekend on the green. Tea in the garden is at Bingfield Farm (in a marquee in case of inclement weather) from 2.30pm on 20th August. Hopefully there will still be flowers left in the garden to enjoy after picking for the flower festival. Anyone and everyone is welcome at any of our events, it would be lovely to see new faces. I really feel that we are gelling as a deanery more and more, I feel as though I have lots of new friends since covid. I think that this is our gift for having gone through that awful time.
Don’t forget 3rd July Holy Communion for St Thomas at Bingfield – 7.30 pm.
As this is also to celebrate Sarah’s 20th Anniversary since her 1st time presiding at a eucharist service we will be having nibbles afterwards in the church. All welcome.
Always try to be kind. Helen. x