Pending review, upcoming events will not be published on this website. Please visit A Church Near You instead.
October news
As published in the latest Broadsheet: “we will be focusing on making the best use of A Church Near You across the Deanery”. In light of this, the future role of this website, if any, is unclear and it will not be updated until there is more clarity. Meantime, please visit A Church Near You […]
The Friends of St Oswald’s Church Heavenfield
Readers of the Broadsheet will be well aware of the large wooden Cross at the side of the Military Road near to the top of Brunton Bank and the small church of St Oswald’s across the field to the North and almost hidden in by trees. You will know about the significance of the Cross […]
September notes
Back with you all after the summer break – what summer many will be asking. It has been awful. Fingers crossed we may have a drier autumn. We had two events on the Village Green during July starting with St. Michael’s Garden Fete at the beginning of the month which following the recent pattern of […]
September notes
I hope you enjoyed the so called ‘Summer’. Maybe an Indian Summer is on the cards! Where is the year going to? They say the older you get the faster time flies by…Enjoy every moment. A BIG Thank you to everyone that donated prizes, cakes, food for the teas and their time to make this […]
September notes
How lovely to see a Red Squirrel shoot across the road at the Cat Wood the other day, usually it is one of those horrible greys. The Craft Group are in full swing once again, they are doing Needle Felting workshops on Monday 11th Sept and Wed 13th Sept. The craft group for your own […]
September notes
Many congratulations to Malcolm and Anne Race, who celebrated their Diamond Wedding in July. Coffee Morning in aid of the Humshaugh Playing Fields Trust (plus Carwash!), will be held on September 2nd at the Village Hall from 10-12. On October the 7th there will be a Coffee Morning in aid of St. Peter’s Church, which […]
September notes
Claire’s letter feels very relative. We had a prime example of people working together for our flower festival weekend at St. George’s, Wall. I have received lots of praise over the weekend BUT a huge amount of that praise must go to the wonderful, talented people who helped. People not only from our parish but […]